Wrath of the Sky

Wrath of the Sky

Monday, February 14, 2011

Midnight at the Oasis

So, for my first blogg here on http://whatnowsucka.blogger.com I'm writing about my fun and shitty night last night (no scat involved but loottttsss of alcohol) at our local gay watering hole here in Tulsa. My partner and I planned on having a home-made, quiet dinner last night after a somewhat challenging day yesterday when he told me that one of our friends had called and was coming over with a bottle of wine about 8:30 (pm). I asked if he was going to be eating dinner with us and then remembered that our friend doesn't like chicken but loves his wine. It's been snowing here like we're in the North Pole and everywhere else in the fucking country for about two weeks now. Life has been restricted to trips to the supermarket and gas station, then BAM! the snow falls for two days and during those two days you're pretty much stuck at home so you better have everything you need muthafucka and really like who you live with and where you are. Fortunately, I do but last night, it seems like our freakin phones wouldn't stop ringing. Why can't we get phones to stop ringing when the roads are frozen over. Seems easy enough. Maybe I should live out in the woods on my families land where there is NO reception at all. Completely offff the grid.

I had already thrown the chicken in the oven, potatoes were a boiling and was enjoying a glass of Chiante' (check spelling) that my man had in the closet for at least five years but lucky for us it was fine. Considering we don't have a wine cellar or storage, we've gotten pretty lucky. So, my cell buzzes with a text from a good friend of mine who also plays on my softball team asking, "whats up tonight?" Since lately, I've learned I have to have surgery on my rotator cuff (right) and have a spur up in there too and have been having issues and pain with my texting thumbs, I've decided to actually start picking up my phone and calling people. Voice to voice. It's quicker and more fucking personal than all these gosh dam texts that I hate anyway. He told me he had his sister and friend with them but I told them that we were having dinner but to come on over there was plenty of food. They had a party to go first then we would see them at our place. So, if you're counting, that's four additional people coming to our place. Then once our first friend shows up right as we begin to eat he tells us he invited a new friend of his to come over too (now 5) and hoped it was okay. It was. Always is. Anyway, then I was told we were not just going to go to our local watering hole but we were going to go to a few and jump around bars starting with the beautiful Mayo rooftop bar, which I really like but its just so expensive there. So, being the control freak that I am I needed to know exactly what the plan was because even though I love surprises, I guess I only like certain kinds. So, as everyone arrived, we all seem to be in a good mood but I was getting tired and all the kids seemed to be wired from being pent up all week. Two of them were wrestling around the living room while I was getting changed but just before then, two of our cells rang at once with a text from another good friend of ours who's flight just landed and he was looking for something to do. We told him our plan and then half of us went to the LWH (local watering hole) and the rest of us went to the Mayo.

More in bit...

Part II

We arrived at the Mayo in downtown Tulsa and it was beautiful. The main lobby is about three stories high with draped marble walls and an Art Deco updated style. We went to the Penthouse and after assessing the hot guys in the room who may or may not be gay, I found a seating area for us in front of a large screen t.v. to watch part of the game. Utah and Arizona were playing so I wasn't that interested but it was a good distraction. I had a Capn' and Coke and Chauncy had one of the best Cosmo's I've ever tasted. Mid-way through our drink I had to admit that I was really enjoying myself in a smoke free completely new environment. Too bad the roof top was filled with snow and cold out so we couldn't really enjoy the view of downtown from the 18th or 20th floor.

Arriving at the Eagle there was still snow everywhere and I almost slipped and fell on my ass because I chose the wrong shoes by trying to wear my dress shoes and be a bit more fancy for the evening since we were going to a nice hotel bar and there aren't very many opportunities here for one to dress up.

The bar was the smokiest I've ever seen it even while just walking in so we grabbed a drink and headed for the semi-circled couches up near the DJ booth near the dancers because there seems to be less smoke in that area. Everyone started drinking alot and having fun but others were having a tough time joining in. By the time everything started getting really crazy, I opted out and went home while the others went to a friend's house and had after hours drinks. Telling by the way I felt the next morning, I'm glad I went home vs. going out to have even more drinks than the seven that I did have. ;-)

This was boring I know but I decided I would just write something/anything as my first blog to get the juices flowing again.

Thanks for hanging in there.

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